Education and Training
Company or Client Location
Why not have an AWS Certified Welding Educator deliver customized training to your place of business, teach on your equipment and focus on the environment that your employees are exposed to each work day?
Why not have an AWS Certified Welding Inspector come to your place of business and certify your current or prospective welders rather than sending them to a test lab?
On-Site Certification specializes in delivering welder education and training to your place of business and is capable of customizing a training or certification package especially fit for the type of manufacturing and production that makes your business unique. On-Site Certification is qualified and well versed in evaluating and developing a training program custom made for your particular needs.
Welder and Fabricator Training in Oxy-Fuel and Plasma Arc cutting, Carbon Arc Gouging, FCAW, GMAW, GTAW, and SMAW on pipe and plate in various materials
Requires initial consultation
Package rates available at an adjusted cost for long term training projects
Short term training rate: $85/Hour for the Houston area; $105/Hour for the outside Houston area
In addition to on-site training, we also offer training at our facility in Waller, Texas.